Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Posted by NeoJournalis 4:40 PM No comments
Just wanted to share a thought from my blog friend JMD.

he curious case of (the maybe) mad grab for political power in Sarawak (and perhaps Sabah, too)
By Ruhayat X
I didn’t want to say anything about the Allah issue since there are too many idiots on both sides as it is. But then the Klang church decided to conduct their BM services using Allah, but not their Tamil and English ones. I found that curious. And enlightening.
Because the word for God in Tamil is not Allah?
News flash: neither is it in Malay.
A question of motives
I question the motive and the timing. I will argue that the motive is dictating the timing, as we will see later. For now:
The argument that has become a familiar refrain is that the Christian natives of Sabah, Sarawak and Indonesia have been using Allah to refer to God for generations. Well, then, I’m sorry to say, but for those very generations, they have been terribly misled by their shepherds.
To bow to Allah is like bowing to Krishna. Both heretical gods to Christians.
Or as a Christian commenter to a blog put it:
“Allah is not simply the Arabic word for “god” – the word Allah in pre-Islamic times referred to the Moon God in the Arabic pantheon of gods. To suggest that Jews insert “Allah” instead of the words which we do use (HASHEM, etc.) is blasphemy in and of itself. We might as well use the word Zeus or Shiva! (…) His name is not, by any stretch of the imagination, “Allah”.”
It seems the bibles should indeed be amended to reflect the truth, yes, but that truth is not what they might think it is.

Do read the letter HERE.


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